Thursday, February 17, 2011

Idea for a Mssiah Sequencer VST

I've been kickin the old bean around about making a vst that would interact with the Mssiah Sequencer. What I've got so far is this: You would create a separate VST for each instrument. When one of them is triggered by midi, it will increment a shared variable for the output midi channel. This will make it so you can just compose freely and voice stealing will be handled automatically.

Here's a visualization for a Live set with five c64 instruments.

If there's any interest in this, leave a comment. I'll get to it eventually anyway, but just to have some input.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

New Projects

Just an update on what I'm doing. I've started learning flash recently. I was reluctant...I think because I spent so much time as a C programmer. I just had an irrational prejudice against it. ;P Anyway I'm planning to start making a game and possibly some music apps. What really sparked my interest in the platform was the discovery that you can now use a flash "iphone packager" to make iphone apps. While the apps are not quite as efficient as ones made with the apple sdk, it seems workable.

Also, Something that I've been meaning to do for a while but am now breaking into a little, is creating an "8bit" sound chip emulation with max/msp. It might seem weird, but it opens up some interesting possibilites for "Data Bending". Changing things inside the chip to make new strange sounds. I found some libraries for this that are great: blargg's libs.

I haven't really been improving my Mssiah interface for a while, but I'll get to it very soon. Adding midi learn and stuff. So, more nerdy junk on the horizon. :o

Now, send in the Hindincats!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Monosynth Vst Plugin

Finally sat down and made it. Inform me of bugs.

You must install this in your Vstplugins directory:

pluggo runtime windows

And this too:


And of course you use this with the Mssiah midi interface.

UPDATE 1/2/11: Bugs fixed. Preset files will load and work reliably. The VST host can also control knobs and save presets. Also, changes to the 'patcher box' are kept from session to session. Or at least it's working that way on my computer.

UPDATE 1/4/11: Sorry Mac people. I just realized that I need to build a unique version of this for OSX. I'll look for someone to help me port it. It's a simple matter, I just need access to a Mac with MaxMSP 4. If you are such a person, send me a mail : oblitteraa-AT-gmail-DOTT-com.

I noticed that the knobs can be jumpy. Looking into it. Also making midi learn.