Finally sat down and made it. Inform me of bugs.
You must install this in your Vstplugins directory:
pluggo runtime windows
And this too:
And of course you use this with the Mssiah midi interface.
UPDATE 1/2/11: Bugs fixed. Preset files will load and work reliably. The VST host can also control knobs and save presets. Also, changes to the 'patcher box' are kept from session to session. Or at least it's working that way on my computer.
UPDATE 1/4/11: Sorry Mac people. I just realized that I need to build a unique version of this for OSX. I'll look for someone to help me port it. It's a simple matter, I just need access to a Mac with MaxMSP 4. If you are such a person, send me a mail : oblitteraa-AT-gmail-DOTT-com.
I noticed that the knobs can be jumpy. Looking into it. Also making midi learn.